Weekly Photo Challenge: Dinnertime

Hello my lovelies, it’s once again that time and this week the photo challenge is of a foody nature…that’s right, get ready because it’s… Dinnertime!


Now admittedly, I’m not one who snaps pictures of my food regularly but randomly enough I did take a few yummy photos a few weeks ago when I was rambling downtown with my mom, enjoying the sun and fresh air. With little difficulty, we decided to have lunch at the amazing Taco Shop on St. George Street and partake in their mouthwatering specialty: the UFO. What is Taco Shop UFO you ask, well let me tell you. It’s SCRUMPTIOUS, that’s what it is. It’s a folded, round burrito thing, bursting with meat, cheese, and all the best burrito fixings, and it is DIVINE! With your choice of either Land or Sea as well as Baja or The Works (Land and The Works for me please!), you really can’t go wrong here. (And now I’m freaking hungry again…)



And of course you can’t visit the Taco Shop without immediately going like three doors down to the Snack Shack and ordering some sweet potato fries, you know, to boast your energy as you start waking again… What, you didn’t know sweet potato fries had restorative powers?! Well, now you know 😉


And to think, a Ben and Jerry’s is opening a few more doors down in a few months, and there’s a Kilwin’s on each end of the street. So yeah, you’re definitly going to gain a few pounds walking down this gorgeous historic street.

But what about you my lovelies, what have you been snacking on lately? Are you a food picture-taker, or do you prefer just chowing down as opposed to taking the time to snap the perfect food photo? Let me know 😀

Weekly Photo Challenge: Eye Spy

Well my lovelies I do believe the reign of Whiney-Tara (aka me with a cold/sinus/thing) is finally coming to an end and I am happy to report I’m feeling better at last! I still kind of resemble Rudolph a bit, and sound a little less than lovely — and I randomly choke on what I can only guess is a shift in the air — but I’m feeling MUCH better and am ready to get back to my regularly random-scheduled blogging!

So, it’s photo challenge time again my lovelies, and this week the challenge is Eye Spy, which is much more of a challenge than I initially realized. I don’t really zero in on the eyes when I’m out snapping pictures but I dug up a few I think work pretty well. I hope you enjoy! 😀




And because he’s just so darn cute:

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Weekly Photo Challenge: Trio

This week the challenge is Trio my lovelies, and I thought, what better trio could I show than this: Glamis Castle, the Scottish home of Shakespeare’s Macbeth and the real life home of the Earl and Countess of Strathmore and Kinghorne. (Thank you Wikipedia for that useful bit of historical information because I honestly had no idea what castle this was!)

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Weekly Photo Challenge: Victory

Before we begin, I’d like to say that all my prayers, love, and light go out to the people of Paris tonight. No words can express the depth of this sadness. I’m so sorry for all of your losses. ❤

But the challenge this week is Victory my lovelies, and victory for me was the release night of my high school literary magazine Serendipity. My Bestie and I were editors and contributors and this was the night we celebrated all our hard work with a book release and signing at Barnes and Noble in our hometown! It was a very exciting win and I can’t help but be proud of our accomplishment 🙂


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This is the look of victory my lovelies! And exhaustion. Victory and exhaustion 😀

Weekly Photo Challenge: Ornate

The challenge this week is Ornate my lovelies, so I figured a little trip to a beautiful church (Holy Trinity in Stratford-upon-Avon) in England with some ornate and gorgeous stained glass windows was in order… And by the way, this happens to be where Shakespeare himself rests eternally after penning some of the greatest works in the English language! I hope you enjoy!






And finally, one from the beautiful Casa Monica back home in St. Augustine:

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Weekly Photo Challenge: Careful

Well my lovelies, I’ve searched and searched for pictures that bring to mind this week’s challenge (Careful) but I guess most of my pictures aren’t about being careful so much as living a little! So really I only found one that brought being cautious to mind.

This was one of the first pictures taken my very first day of classes at FSU my freshman year. Walking to class, I was terrified, lonely, desolate, and trying so carefully to keep myself together when all I wanted to do was crumble and break into a thousand little pieces.


Thankfully things improved with time and this terrifying place became my home away from home, a place where I carefully, deliberately, wildly, and unexpectedly became myself. 😀


P.S. WordPress just informed me that this is my 200th post! *Happy dance* Thank you for all the support and friendship my lovelies and here’s to the next 200!


Weekly Photo Challenge: (Extra)Ordinary

Sorry this is so late my lovelies, but I gave myself the weekend off (plus a little extra lol) to recharge my blogging batteries but I’m back and I’m happy to share with you this week’s challenge: (Extra)Ordinary!





And one more elephant…just because they’re so cute!


Weekly Photo Challenge: Happy Place

The challenge this week my lovelies is Happy Place, so I promptly dug around in my massive photo vault (aka the many, MANY picture folders on my laptop) and selected a few that I think do this wonderful challenge justice! I hope you enjoy 😀



OK, OK, OK, so maybe these two are only in my dreams (and my grandparents’ photos from England), but that totally counts right?! I mean I’m a writer, imagination is encouraged in my profession! 😉

But, if I have to pick a place I’ve actually been to (which I guess rules out Belle’s library in Beauty and the Beast, because that was my second choice…) I’d have to say my Happy Place really is my beautiful hometown in all its historic glory!





Screw it, I’m adding it anyways!


Image From Google. All Rights Belong To Artist.

Image From Google. All Rights Belong To Artist.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Boundaries

The challenge this week is Boundaries my lovelies, so I’ve scrounged up a few delightful images from my grandparents’ trip to Scotland and England a few years ago, as well as a picture from my own hometown. I hope you enjoy 🙂






And because I just couldn’t resist…

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Weekly Photo Challenge: Change

Alright my lovelies, this week the challenge is Change, or more importantly a change in process. I actually really like this challenge, it brought to mind so many wonderful memories and I’m so happy to relive them and share them with you 😀

First, one enormous change just this past year was the wedding of my awesome Bestie to her awesome husband (my Bestie-in-Law as we’ve dubbed one another) earlier this year. In truth, I found the idea of her getting married just as terrifying as I did exciting. I mean, what if our friendship changed? What if he and I didn’t get along (which was a silly fear considering I already thought of him as a great addition to our group lol)? But then, how could I not be happy and excited for one of my most favorite people on the Earth marrying the man who made her happy? And in the end, their marriage did change things, she and he moved further away (a mere hour and a half, but still, no more random visits) and I gained a wonderful Bestie-in-Law, so like in all things, it was a give and take. But ultimately, this change was a thrilling experience — even the scary bits — and I love the results! Besides, I was one awesome Maid of Honor, if I do say so myself.

And I do.


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And there’s also the fabulous new addition we have to our family this year, my cousin had her first baby a few months ago and I was so thrilled to welcome the first of the next generation of our family into the world! He’s a wonderful, adorable, and downright cute as all get out, change in progress!

Here’s a little picture I snapped at his baby shower:


And of course, one of the biggest changes of my life was the adventure that was my years spent at FSU 😀

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Any changes in your life my lovelies? Let me know in the comments 😀